Grass Fed Australian Angus Beef vs Grain Fed Australian Angus Beef
The debate rages on! Google anything to do with this topic and you will see the pros and cons of this issue seesawing back and forth from world ecology and sustainability, to choice and cost.Suffice to say it is beyond the scope of this blog to enter into those discussions in depth. So, a summary of how I see it.
Australian Angus cattle, particularly Black Angus seem suited to the grasslands of Australia, whereas some of stronger European bloodline breeds fare less well. Generally speaking, the opinion in country Australia, this translates into a product which is less suited to their markets.
Also Australian Angus grain fed cattle must be sourced from a grain feedlot accredited under the National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme by AUS-MEAT and come from animals which are fed for a minimum number of days on a nutritionally balanced, high energy feed.
What is grass fed Australian Angus Beef?
Typically most Australian Angus Beef, are grass fed for the majority of their lives. This means that the cattle graze in open paddocks on grass that grows naturally in that region such as at Mittagong in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales.Australian Angus cattle, particularly Black Angus seem suited to the grasslands of Australia, whereas some of stronger European bloodline breeds fare less well. Generally speaking, the opinion in country Australia, this translates into a product which is less suited to their markets.
What is grain fed Australian Angus Beef?
Some of the criticism levelled at grain fed beef is that the grain that is fed to the cattle is from poor sources full of impurities and even hormones. This is certainly not true of producers like at Kerwee in Queensland who produce fine export beef to the world.Also Australian Angus grain fed cattle must be sourced from a grain feedlot accredited under the National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme by AUS-MEAT and come from animals which are fed for a minimum number of days on a nutritionally balanced, high energy feed.
Alright! Now, what is it that your eating, eating?
Why grass fed?
Fat content:
Overall there seems a lower overall quantity of fat in grass fed beef compared to grain fed beef . The "type" of fat that also seems the issue. It professed that the fat in grass fed beef has more content of Omega 3 fatty acids which are said to be beneficial to human health.
Antioxidants and Vitamin A:
Furthermore, other "good" antioxidants and trace elements are present in the grass fed variety including Beta Carotene which gives not to much but just enough Vitamin A to the body.
It is the Beta Carotene that gives the fat in grass fed beef its telltale slightly yellow hue and grass fed beef to to have lower levels of intramuscular fat.
Why grain fed?

Fat content:
Grain fed animals gain weight faster and have higher levels of intramuscular fat "Marbling"! Combined with this the fat turns white under grain feeding giving the impression to some that the product is less "dirty".
Feedlots can produce market ready cattle faster and more cost effectively than most grass fed beef, this cost saving is passed on to the consumer.
Quality control:
Whilst the grass fed cattle are generally subject to the whims of mother nature for their feed, grain fed beef producers can manage a consistent product year round.
Ok! So which one tastes better?
As long as it is a quality product, the choice, happily, is yours!
Grass Fed
Some prefer the taste of grass fed beef with its "greener" taste. Great texture with a robust earthiness that can vary dependant on the pasture type.
Grain Fed
Others prefer the smooth, consistent flavour of grain fed Australian Angus Beef.
Best of both worlds? Well, what about?
Grass Fed and Grain Finished
A lot of producers have grown their cattle on open paddocks and in the last few weeks introduced the animals to feedlots. This gives some of the benefits of grain feeding and reduces the stress on animals that might be "suddenly" introduced to the confines of a slaughter yard.
The debate continues.........................!